Tag: Lifestyle

  • Giving Homage

    Giving Homage

    I am bound and determined to dig myself out from under my unfinished writings to the point where my writing is actually current to my goings-on. Perhaps, you get it. Today, I’ll choose to complete this incomplete post. The good news is the knitted project, the topic of this post, has been completed since 2020.…

  • Introducing the ‘Where are They, Now’ Series

    Introducing the ‘Where are They, Now’ Series

    My recent new category called Knit-Critique, where I evaluate my own hand-knits that remain present in my wardrobe today, has inspired another new category! I am calling this one, Where are they, now? If the project I made is currently not in my wardrobe, then that leads to the question . . . Where is…

  • Introducing the ‘Knit-Critique’ Series

    Introducing the ‘Knit-Critique’ Series

    This new series is motivated by a Vogue Knitting thread on Ravelry entitled VK street style. In that thread knitters are invited to post themselves wearing their beautiful works of art about town. It is always a goal to wear what we make and this is an invite to share just that. Recently, I was…

  • Jake, my January Joy

    Jake, my January Joy

    This post is nothing more than sharing an experience I had with a cat back in January. Jake, a black, middle-aged fairly large male cat is the topic of this post. However and admittedly, he, as subject, is also warming the waters for writing, again.

  • Knitting Year in Review  ~ One FO

    Knitting Year in Review ~ One FO

    Ravelry allows one to organize number of FOs (finished objects) per year. The data immediately exposes the truth, as data does. It said I completed one project this year. Now, it is true, I am not a speed demon when it comes to knitting, but this suggested relatively no knitting this year and upon further…

  • Happily Home for the Holidays

    Happily Home for the Holidays

    I am writing to extend a warm holiday greeting here in my new home. ‘Tis true, the last post I wrote was quite some time ago and of the extensive kitchen remodel project of the Danbury house. I would like to think that the inhabitants of the house are not so much what matters but…

  • On the Other Side, Kitchen Remodel

    On the Other Side, Kitchen Remodel

    I remember the day we purchased our home. It was with great anticipation and excitement, of course. Thrilled to have moved from our ‘starter’ home to the next, I looked upon this house as the next step. I was very aware of the needs of the old dwelling and figured in the next few years,…

  • A Break

    A Break

    Even our hobbies/passions can get the best of us. Or, shall I say, can get to me. My knitting has been almost non-existent. It has happened to me before and will likely happen, again. There have been times when I haven’t knitted for years. Some knitters talk about this thing called, “getting your knitting mojo…

  • Christmas (Stockings) of Past, Present, and Future

    Christmas (Stockings) of Past, Present, and Future

    It’s getting to look a lot like Christmas says the song and friends as they post their newly decorated holiday trees and assorted decorations on social media. Every image is beautiful and encouraging to begin decorating. I like deciding whether to be sentimental (hang the antiques from yesteryear) or crafty (make a few), or to…