Tag: knitting

  • Giving Homage

    Giving Homage

    I am bound and determined to dig myself out from under my unfinished writings to the point where my writing is actually current to my goings-on. Perhaps, you get it. Today, I’ll choose to complete this incomplete post. The good news is the knitted project, the topic of this post, has been completed since 2020.…

  • Introducing the ‘Where are They, Now’ Series

    Introducing the ‘Where are They, Now’ Series

    My recent new category called Knit-Critique, where I evaluate my own hand-knits that remain present in my wardrobe today, has inspired another new category! I am calling this one, Where are they, now? If the project I made is currently not in my wardrobe, then that leads to the question . . . Where is…

  • Introducing the ‘Knit-Critique’ Series

    Introducing the ‘Knit-Critique’ Series

    This new series is motivated by a Vogue Knitting thread on Ravelry entitled VK street style. In that thread knitters are invited to post themselves wearing their beautiful works of art about town. It is always a goal to wear what we make and this is an invite to share just that. Recently, I was…

  • The Current Knitting Project HAHAHA (from 2021)

    The Current Knitting Project HAHAHA (from 2021)

    I am pretty much digging through the archives of my Ravelry entries, photos that have amassed to an unacceptable number, and sifting through the large number of posts that I never finished writing. I need to pick up somewhere to re-organize and catch up so I’m choosing this! Ten or so years, ago I was…

  • Jake, my January Joy

    Jake, my January Joy

    This post is nothing more than sharing an experience I had with a cat back in January. Jake, a black, middle-aged fairly large male cat is the topic of this post. However and admittedly, he, as subject, is also warming the waters for writing, again.

  • Knitting Year in Review  ~ One FO

    Knitting Year in Review ~ One FO

    Ravelry allows one to organize number of FOs (finished objects) per year. The data immediately exposes the truth, as data does. It said I completed one project this year. Now, it is true, I am not a speed demon when it comes to knitting, but this suggested relatively no knitting this year and upon further…