What’s OUT and what’s IN regarding FO Storage (Part 1 of 3)

In reviewing  my last post called Keeping Site for Knitwear where I discuss my thoughts for storing hand knits or finished objects (FOs), I still feel very much the same way today as then regarding storage of this collection.  In reality however, I was not following one of my criteria, EASY ACCESS, I set for myself (which is odd) and that is why I had to revisit this in my life and why I am here talking about it again with you.  And, the importance of easy access is because this is one knitter who really DOES wear her hand knits.

I’ll start with the failures.

OUT:  Believe it or not, the cedar chest is OUT.  Hard to take a cedar chest out of the mix when one is talking about storing hand knits.  BUT, retrieving the sweater you want for the day from the cedar chest was too much digging, knits were too stuffed inside with no room to breathe, and I had to move anything that might have been on top of the chest out of the way to get any garment that was within.  The cedar chest has been returned to the basement.

cedar chest

OUT:  Using the closet is OUT.   Old houses have traditional narrow doorways with high shelves above the garment pole.  I do NOT want to be searching for a garment to wear early in the morning having to stand on a ladder or kneeling on the floor, removing boxes, getting a garment, and piling boxes back in.

fabric boxes in the closet

IN:  Wire/wicker shelving here is perfectly sized to house three lovely Reinsenthal fabric boxes.  Now, just remove the box you want while others remain intact, and reach in for the garment you want.  This is a perfect storage spot for my knitted dresses and suits.

fabric box storage

IN:  The behind-the-door shelving unit continues to work.  Easy access.

shelving unit

FO storage

You can see how this shelving unit just tucks in behind the bedroom door.  To the left of this unit are built in shelves that line the hallway for books and hubby’s collection of CDs.


IN:  ‘In’ is a new wire rack that was inexpensive, light weight, and able to be put together by one person.  I have placed the rack to the right of the behind-the-door shelving unit.  It’s main purpose is to house the Spring/Summer wear while the behind-the-door houses the Fall/Winter fashion.  I have purchased Sterilite containers in different sizes so these knits can be keep clean from dust and safe from sun.  No tops to the containers, again, for easy access.  Of course, my fabric boxes of varying sizes could go on this rack, as well.

more views

The rest of the room is a music room, both for listening and or practicing.  A futon serves as a guest bedroom for overnight company as well as a get-away sitting spot.  Do notice how the theme of fabric boxes continues as its usage now becomes a home for pillows.


Our spare bedroom aka music room aka overnight guest room aka sweater collection storage is not only functional and organized, but also artsy fun.

4 responses to “What’s OUT and what’s IN regarding FO Storage (Part 1 of 3)”

  1. I really like your behind the door, shelving unit with easy access and good visibility on the knits. I do not have enough hand knits yet for this to be a problem, especially as I tend to frog my first sweaters that are less than stellar to use the yarn again. It is great to have enough space for specific knit storage.


    1. Next is stash talk, Agnes, as I await patiently for a photo shoot for the red tunic.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so curious; how do you store your yarn/works in process? I just got rid of 50+ Plastic storage boxes (shoe box size) and added more horizontal shelves to my yarn closet. Now my yarn’s no longer boxed, but it’s much easier to see and access. I also took a snip of each yarn and created an index card view for each one with basic info (yardage, number of skeins, suggested needle size, gauge, etc) so I can use the cards to review what I have.


    1. totally fascinating! I love your idea! I will write about stash and its storage in my next post! Also, my work(s) in progress. Each has a system, of course!


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Hello! Welcome to a reflective journey on knitting: the process, the challenges, the successes. I hope to share tips and tricks, but more so, to encourage a willingness for exploration in your knitting journey.