My Dad

Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish I wish, tonight.

Shine on R, N, K, and E
Light the land, the sky and sea
Illuminate their lifelong dance,
For you, an eternal romance.

Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish I wish, tonight.

Shine on students everywhere
Keep them safe and free from care
Feed their bodies, souls, and minds
That they might bless this world in kind.

Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish I wish, tonight.

Shine on firm friends here on earth
Let them know the strength of their worth
Brighten paths through dark and light
That they shall walk in truth and might.

Starlight, star bright
First star I see tonight
Wish I may, wish I might
Have the wish I wish, tonight.

Little beacon out in space
Shine upon the human race.
I will reflect upon the times we had
knowing you are my one and only dad.

From camp days in my childhood where my Dad built this observatory as well as the telescope inside it, to the instruction he provided at the Buffalo Museum of Science through the years, my dad was a consummate researcher and teacher in the field of astronomy. So, when I look up into the sky, I will wish upon a star in his honor.

Starlight, Star Bright is a nursery rhyme by James Durst that alludes to the fantasy that you can wish upon a star. With some poetic license, I have ‘borrowed’ his work and re-written it in memory of my Dad who passed away peacefully early this morning, at home, with his loved ones near.

12 responses to “My Dad”

  1. Holly, I followed a sweater design from Ravelry to your website. I think it is very appropriate that you call it “fret not”.

    I am sorry to read of your dad’s passing. He seems like he lived life passionately. How lucky for you to be his daughter. I am sad for you that you will be missing him. Thinking of you, Lisa Boeh


    1. Lisa! What a nice surprise! haha The technique involved in making this sweater really looks more daunting than it was. Thank you for your condolences regarding my dad. I hope you are knitting and making the most of the crazy world we are living in. Great to hear from you.


  2. Holly, I am so sorry to read of your loss, but the poem is a wonderful tribute to your dad. What an ingenious person he must have been to build the observatory! And the gift of accessibility to the cosmos he provided to all. Keep the good memories near.



    1. You know, Terry . . . It is important to remember the good in people. May he rest in peace.


  3. Holly, What a beautiful poem in honor of your dad. You have my deepest sympathy. I will keep you in my prayers.


    1. Kimberley, Thank you so much for your kind words. Such sad and difficult times we are living in now. Wishing you and yours safety through it all.


  4. Holly – so sorry to read of your loss. The poem is especially poignant right now as my father-in-law is in rapid decline. We are hoping my husband can get to him in time to see him and I face the prospect of never seeing him again. Such a sad time for so many.


    1. Oh, I am so sorry, Mindy. I lost my father-in-law very early into the marriage, when my daughter was only 6 months and how late hubby and I longed for the two of them to have known each other. As it turns out, with their personalities, they would have loved each other.


  5. Cindy Sherman Avatar

    I loved your dad and my uncle. I am going to miss our chats while playing Words with Friends. Love to you Holly and lets get together sometime.


    1. Oh, Cindy! Thank you for stopping by. Would love to get together. Ryan
      mentioned that you and he played, as well. He seemed to really like that.
      The ‘kids’ are very devastated.


  6. So sorry for your loss Holly. I lost my dad in December. It is unbearable to know you will never see him again but good to remember the good times


    1. Thank you, Jane. All of a sudden, I have had many losses in my life. So much sadness right now.
      I am sorry for your loss, as well. H


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