Featured in VK, 2014

Vogue Knitting has been alive and well in my life for over 30 years.  But, NEVER in this way!   I haven’t even looked at the sure-to-be-can’t-wait-to-knit  projects that await my future because I am bursting from the seams (LITERALLY) and have waited since this summer when that unbelievable email I received from Vogue Knitting came a-calling ME for an interview.  Finally, in this glorious issue (of which I am off to purchase many copies), is the result of that interview.  A 2 page spread!  My hubby and I do believe Christina Behnke, Associate Editor of VK grabbed the essence of who I am as a passionate knitter and as the table of contents says, “Vogue Knitting Fan extraordinaire!  The article looks like the  image below, can be found on page 20 and 21 and/or can be read in PDF format right here, Online Identity.


11 thoughts on “Featured in VK, 2014

  1. Pingback: Guild Talk Reflection – hollyknits

  2. Holly, this is fantastic! You must be so happy. Congratulations!! You are an ambassador for VK, and such recognition is an achievement. Would you consider writing a post about the first email, how and where you were interviewed, and who made the selection of photos from your vast body of work, etc.? Reading about the whole process would be so interesting. Arielle


    • Arielle: I am such a nerd I do, indeed have all the notes… and some time to write it up. Let me see what I can muster. Thank you for your accolades and I am still on pages 20 and 21 and haven’t even looked at the patterns, yet.


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